As a result of changes to the Telecommunications Act 2001, from 1 December 2014, the way that telecommunications retailers are charged, at wholesale, for services they provide over the fixed copper network, will change. Most consumers will not notice any difference. However, those consumers who receive their home telephone service from one retailer, and their broadband service from another provider, will see a change to the prices they are charged.
These affected consumers should receive a communication from their service providers advising how the change will affect them. In most cases, these consumers will find that taking a package deal from a service provider that combines their home telephone service with their broadband, is their cheapest option.
The competitive nature of the telecommunications industry means that packaged deals are now being offered to consumers at lower prices than the current split billing options.
Any consumer that has two different accounts for services that are both provided on the fixed copper network should contact one of their service providers, or any other service provider, to explore their options. Any questions should be directed to one of the service providers currently providing a service.